Adam Thomas

Providing Consultancy on Energy, Waste and Decarbonisation
Adam Thomas

Adam Thomas

How I can help you

I help businesses understand energy and decarbonisation, filtering out all of the noise to give simple advice.

I’ve been engaged with projects from spreadsheet to “spanner turning” and bring multiple perspectives to every task.


Energy Models

Modelling for reducing demand, storage and generation of energy.


Project planning, installation of assets, maintenance and design.

Waste Streams

Placing industrial waste with the best match for waste to energy.

Decarbonisation Plans

Summarising company baselines according Scope 3 and proposing reduction plans

Engineering Studies

Provide an independent and unbiased view for energy, fuel and waste related topics.

I’m available for hour long research calls, short term project work or long term assistance.


University: Graduated in 2020, receiving a First in MEng Mechanical Engineering (Control Systems). Here I started my obsession with biofuels, completing two dissertations on how to use waste oils, currently sent to landfill, in generators.

R&D in Defence: My first grad job was running the Quality Control, Testing and R&D department at a defence company. Throughout COVID I was still working to deliver orders. Working within a manufacturing environment, balancing time, safety and quality was a large learning curve. Although a detour from energy, this was all about combustion.

Biofuel Engines: After a year on defence, I returned to renewable energy. This was initially the planning, installation and maintenance of generators running biofuels. Being involved in every stage of this gives me a true perspective of project completion that is not learnt behind a desk.

Chemical Factory Plans: I’ve been a part of planning, fixing and assessing chemical processing factories. These have been based around Biofuels, making projections for potential throughputs of factories and helping to improve processes to optimise quality, time and quantity.

Energy Modelling: Deimos Platform is a tool we designed to combine multiple technologies, model their performance and determine the financial viability of them. This works from half hourly system modelling to provide easy to use functions. See more on this video or at the website

Carbon Accounting: Under NLBF and Sustainable Direction I help Capital Law with sustainability. Initially I completed the data collection, processing and summarising for the Capital Law Carbon Reduction Plan aligning with the standards for certificating bodies.

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